
Thursday, October 13, 2011

MILA 4 You and Me!

I am so excited to get to share with you all something that I have discovered! MILA. It is an incredible WHOLE RAW FOOD that is making a dramatic impact on the world. Quite literally it is changing the health and wealth of the world! I have launched a global business with this powerful food and invite you to learn more!

MILA made an huge impact on my family this past summer when Lily started solid foods. Within a couple weeks of beginning solid foods, Lily was dealing with horrible constipation. The poor thing. It got so bad that she would scream in excrutiating pain whenever she had to go. Th pain was so bad she would wake herself up screaming. If you have ever had a child in pain, you know hoe stressful it can be. I desperately searched for ways to help without having to resort to stimulants, or harsh drugs. I reached out to friends, family and other mommas for natural remedies. My Aunt suggested MILA by Lifemax. Not wanting to try anything that was part of a business opportunity I was very resistant, but I was also at the end of my rope, so I tried it. After all, it is a whole food. I gave Lily the MILA and within 24 hours she had filled her diaper 5 TIMES. I couldn't believe it. Since we have incorporated it into her diet she has not dealt with the constipation. After seeing how it helped her, I decided to give it a try. In the month that I have incorporated it into my diet, I have seen weight loss (8 pounds in 3 weeks), increased regularity, less hunger pangs, lower PMS symptoms, greater mental clarity and unbelievable stamina and energy. IT IS INCREDIBLE and it made such a difference in my life that I am committed to building a business and sharing the word about this amazing food!

I know you are wondering, Okay, what is this miracle food?

MILA is a proprietary blend of chia that has been carefully selected to provide the highest levels of Omega 3's, fiber, protein, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

In fact, MILA offers the highest amounts of the essential Omega 3's per serving than anything on the planet. This food is wheat free, gluten free, sugar free, cholesterol free, trans fat free, tasteless and odorless. You can cook and bake with MILA or use it as a condiment like salt and pepper. MILA is an FDA approved food with no restrictions or contraindications. This means that infants, children, pregnant and lactating mothers as well as adults in all stages of life can eat it. What makes MILA really an exceptional food is the Omega 3's it offers. Omega 3's are essential fatty acids. This means that literally every cell in our bodies need Omega 3's to function properly, but our bodies don't make them, we have to put them in through food. Here is the scary part: Nearly 95% of the population does not get enough Omega 3's! So 95% of the population are not funcitioning optimally. To make things worse, our American diet is overloaded with Omega 6's (the bad fats ie, vegetable oils, corn oils, really what makes processed food good). Is it any wonder obesity is becoming an epidemic, blood pressure and cholesterol are off the charts, diabetes running rampant and we are afflicted with all sorts of maladies and ailments. Yikes!

What MILA offers is a natural, plant based way to put these essential Omega 3's into our bodies while also giving us loads of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and protein. All in a bioavailable real FOOD! All over the world people are seeing significant improvement in their health just by adding MILA to their diets. Imagine a world where our bodies work the way they were intended.

The most exciting thing about MILA is that it is part of a unique and powerful business that is dramatically changing the health and wealth of the world. Lifemax has an awesome world vision and amazing leadership! Run, don't walk to get your hands on this food. Read testimonials and discover MILA order MILA and learn more about me and my business.